Thursday, November 14, 2013


Halloween was a blast!!!! Well at least I looooved it! At my grandmas house we did spook ally. It was pretty scary. But I was okay.Ben was a dead man,Abby was the witch, and Gavin was the guide. Ben the dead man was the most spooooooky. When we were waiting we played don't eat Frank. Grace kept on calling DON'T EAT FRANK! We also played a skeleton game. We put the skeleton's arms and legs in funny positions and the others tried to copy it. That was fun!

 me abby ben and gavin.

brynn the monster.
me hermoienie.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Dear Lizzy &  Tiana this is going to  so much FUN!   what  did you do this summer? Well I rode in  the porade in PlaneCite .

here I am riding.

me & my brothor.

This is me and my cousins.


This is me on the bouncy castle.

This is me and my brother waiting in line.

Me eating a snow cone.

This is me at the fish scramble.  I caught a fish.

This is me swimming in the swimming pool.

This is me doing firecrackers.

This is me doing sparklers.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


I just had graduation. It was great.  I loved it and had a great  time. My friends at school were  Karissa, Jasmine,  Brooklyn, Eryn and Tristan.  I miss school but I will get to eat lunch at school in first grade!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Schools  going  good.  I  am learning  about maps.  For  homework  I  had  to write  a story.  I wrote  about  a  magic  horse  that  could  turn into  a unicorn .Rebecca  wrote  about  a princess  who  ran  in  a race  she won the  race. It  was a good  story  too well  I think it was. The books   were just  pieces of paper.It had  a beginning  middle  & end. We also  learned  about  hawaii  . It has a lion  to  chase the bad luck away. RAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

I have already  done the family poster &  Christmas tradition.
& some field trips.
egg drop

Tuesday, April 9, 2013



Megan  Justin  Brynn  Stockton  &  Molly   had  so  much  fun  in  these  three  weeks.  Birthdays.  Brynn  turned  two  Dad  &  Mom  turned   thirty one.  & Stockton  is  going  to  turn  four  in  June  twenty  five &  I  will  turn  seven  In  September.  I  think  I  know   what  I   want.  Things  for  my  easy   bake  oven!    Then  I  can  make  more    things.  Because  it  only  came  with  two  things.  Cookies  &  cupcakes!So  if  I  get  that  I   will  have  fun  with  it  .I  do  want  to  make   something       for   stockton  out  of  paper. Like  cars  &  stuf.     Well  I  got    to  go. BI!